Have questions about how to optimize your blog? Or perhaps not even sure what that means. Check out our knowledge base and blogging resources to set your site up for success! Perhaps even nip over to the recipes page and find something yummy to cook.
Blogging is tougher than people think, plain and simple. People assume that you just show up and throw up on a screen and boom you’ve got yourself a blog. While that can be true, that doesn’t mean that you will be an effective or successful blogger. To be a successful blogger you need to be a content creator, graphic designer, coder, photographer, marketer, and so on, all rolled into one. Of course without the spend power or expertise. Luckily, there are a number of tools available paid and free to help you along your journey. We’ve put together some nice basic tutorials and over arching blogging resources that will help you to understand how to create, execute, and continue to monitor your blog to success.

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