

There’s two types of boondi – sweet and spiced. Sweet is amazing for ladoos and the spiced for raita.

Word on the street is that boondi is native to the cuisine of Rajasthan. For that we will remain ever grateful for the contribution – boondi raita is amazing. I’m a bad person for many reason, but in this case it’s because I like to put the boondi straight into my raita. I just like that it has little crunchy bits in it that way. Traditionally, you’re supposed to soak the boondi in room temperature water and let it soak till they’re soft and spongy. You then squeeze out the water (just take handfuls and mush them together – but not so hard that you pulverize the mushy little things in your hulk smash mode) and mix into pre-whisked and spiced yogurt.

You can easily find these little beauties at any Indian store, Amazon, and the like.

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